14. Cucumber for Non-Functional Testing

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While Cucumber is primarily known for Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) and functional testing, it can also be adapted for certain non-functional testing scenarios. Non-functional testing focuses on aspects like performance, scalability, security, and usability rather than verifying specific features. This article explores how to leverage Cucumber for non-functional testing, including strategies, benefits, and examples.

1. Non-Functional Testing Areas

Non-functional testing typically covers the following areas:

  • Performance Testing: Ensuring the system performs well under expected workloads.
  • Security Testing: Verifying that the application is protected against vulnerabilities.
  • Usability Testing: Assessing the user-friendliness of the application.
  • Scalability Testing: Checking the application’s ability to scale with increased load.

2. Adapting Cucumber for Non-Functional Testing

Cucumber scenarios can be written to validate non-functional requirements. By integrating Cucumber with specialized tools and libraries, you can measure and validate non-functional aspects.

a. Performance Testing with Cucumber

For performance testing, Cucumber can integrate with tools like JMeter or Gatling. You can write feature files describing performance requirements and execute tests using these tools.

Example Feature File for Performance Testing

					Feature: API Performance Testing  
  Scenario: Verify API response time is under 500ms  
    Given the API endpoint is up and running  
    When I send a GET request to "/api/resource"  
    Then the response time should be less than 500ms


Step Definitions

					import static io.restassured.RestAssured.*;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*;

public class PerformanceSteps {

    private long responseTime;

    @Given("the API endpoint is up and running")
    public void apiEndpointIsRunning() {
        // Health check

    @When("I send a GET request to {string}")
    public void sendGetRequest(String endpoint) {
        responseTime = given().when().get(endpoint).time();

    @Then("the response time should be less than {int}ms")
    public void verifyResponseTime(long expectedTime) {
        assert responseTime < expectedTime : "Response time exceeded limit!";


b. Security Testing with Cucumber

For security testing, Cucumber can be combined with libraries like OWASP ZAP or Burp Suite to check vulnerabilities.

Example Feature File for Security Testing

					Feature: Application Security Testing  
  Scenario: Check for SQL injection vulnerability  
    Given the application is running  
    When I input "1 OR 1=1" in the login field  
    Then the system should not allow access


c. Usability Testing with Cucumber

Usability testing focuses on validating user experience. Cucumber can automate browser-based actions and verify user interactions using tools like Selenium.

Example Feature File for Usability Testing

					Feature: Application Usability Testing  
  Scenario: Verify accessibility of the login page  
    Given the user is on the login page  
    When the user checks the page structure  
    Then the page should meet accessibility standards


Step Definitions

					import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;

public class UsabilitySteps {

    WebDriver driver;

    @Given("the user is on the login page")
    public void userIsOnLoginPage() {

    @When("the user checks the page structure")
    public void checkPageStructure() {
        WebElement title = driver.findElement(By.tagName("h1"));
        assert title.getText().equals("Login") : "Incorrect page title!";

    @Then("the page should meet accessibility standards")
    public void checkAccessibilityStandards() {
        // Perform accessibility checks here (e.g., using Axe or similar tools)
        System.out.println("Accessibility standards verified.");


3. Benefits of Using Cucumber for Non-Functional Testing

  • Readable Scenarios: Stakeholders can understand and review non-functional requirements as Gherkin scenarios.
  • Reusable Steps: Step definitions for non-functional tests can be reused across various scenarios.
  • Tool Integration: Seamlessly integrates with performance, security, and usability tools.
  • Automation and CI: Enables automated non-functional testing as part of CI/CD pipelines.

4. Challenges and Limitations

  • Tool Dependency: Requires integration with specialized tools for non-functional tests.
  • Complexity: Writing and maintaining non-functional scenarios can be more complex compared to functional tests.
  • Limited Scope: Cucumber is not a replacement for dedicated performance or security testing tools.

5. Best Practices for Non-Functional Testing with Cucumber

a. Use Tags for Specific Tests

Organize non-functional tests with tags like @performance or @security to run them independently of functional tests.

b. Combine with Specialized Tools

Leverage tools like JMeter, OWASP ZAP, or Selenium for robust non-functional testing.

c. Maintain Separate Feature Files

Keep non-functional scenarios in separate feature files to maintain clarity and prevent overlap with functional tests.


While Cucumber is not designed specifically for non-functional testing, its flexibility and integration capabilities allow you to adapt it for various non-functional testing scenarios. By writing clear, Gherkin-based scenarios and combining them with the right tools, you can validate performance, security, and usability requirements effectively. With proper configuration, Cucumber can extend beyond functional testing to support a comprehensive testing strategy for your application.

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