git checkout <branch>

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The git checkout <branch> command is used to switch to an existing branch in your repository. This command updates your working directory to match the snapshot of the branch you select.

Optional Commands with git checkout

You can enhance the functionality of git checkout with these options:

git checkout <branch>Switches to the specified branch.git checkout feature/login switches to the feature/login branch.
git checkout -b <branch>Creates a new branch and switches to it.git checkout -b feature/signup creates and switches to feature/signup.
git checkout -- <file>Discards changes in a file and restores it to the state of the last commit.git checkout -- example.txt restores example.txt to its last committed state.

Syntax and Example

					# Switch to an existing branch
git checkout feature/login
# Example output:
# Switched to branch 'feature/login'

# Create and switch to a new branch
git checkout -b feature/signup
# Example output:
# Switched to a new branch 'feature/signup'

# Restore a file to its last committed state
git checkout -- example.txt
# Example output:
# (No output if successful, but `example.txt` is restored.)


Why Use git checkout <branch>?

  • Switch Branches: Allows you to move between different branches to work on multiple features or versions simultaneously.
  • Efficient Development: You can easily test or modify code in isolated branches without impacting the main project.
  • Branch Creation: Quickly create and switch to a new branch for streamlined workflows.


The git checkout <branch> command is an essential part of Git for managing and switching between branches. It simplifies development by enabling efficient branching and isolated feature work.

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