git fork

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The git fork command is not a part of standard Git functionality. Instead, forking is a feature offered by platforms like GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket, which allow you to create a personal copy of someone else’s repository. This is particularly useful for open-source contributions, as it allows you to make changes to a project without affecting the original repository directly. After forking a repository, you can clone it to your local machine, make changes, and submit pull requests to the original repository.

How to Fork a Repository (on GitHub)

  1. Go to the repository page on GitHub.
  2. Click the “Fork” button at the top right of the page.
  3. GitHub will create a copy of the repository under your GitHub account.
  4. You can now clone this forked repository to your local machine using the git clone command.

Optional Commands with git fork

Although git fork isn’t a Git command, the following actions are commonly performed when working with a forked repository:

git clone <repository-url>Clones your forked repository to your local machine.git clone
git remote add upstream <url>Adds the original repository as a remote called upstream for fetching updates.git remote add upstream
git fetch upstreamFetches updates from the original repository (upstream).git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/mainMerges the latest changes from the original repository’s main branch into your local branch.git merge upstream/main
git push origin <branch>Pushes your changes to your forked repository on GitHub.git push origin feature-branch

Syntax and Example

					# Fork a repository on GitHub (this happens on the GitHub website, not through Git)
# After forking, clone your fork to your local machine
git clone

# Example output:
# Cloning into 'repository'...
# remote: Counting objects: 123, done.
# remote: Compressing objects: 100% (50/50), done.
# remote: Total 123 (delta 10), reused 50 (delta 10)
# Unpacking objects: 100% (123/123), done.

# Add the original repository as a remote to keep your fork up to date
git remote add upstream

# Fetch updates from the original repository
git fetch upstream

# Merge changes from the original repository into your local branch
git merge upstream/main

# Push your changes to your forked repository
git push origin feature-branch


Why Use git fork?

  • Contributing to Open-Source: Forking is often used in open-source workflows, where you want to contribute changes to a project without directly affecting the original repository.
  • Working on Personal Copies: By forking, you can freely experiment with changes in your personal copy of a repository.
  • Syncing with Original Repository: Forking allows you to keep your copy of the repository up to date by fetching changes from the original repository.


Forking is a valuable tool for collaborating with others on Git-based platforms like GitHub. While git fork is not a native Git command, the forking process on platforms like GitHub is straightforward and allows you to create a personal copy of a repository. By syncing your fork with the original repository, you can easily keep your project up to date and contribute back with pull requests.

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