Implicit Wait

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In Selenium WebDriver, Implicit Wait is used to instruct the WebDriver to wait for a certain period of time before throwing a NoSuchElementException when attempting to locate an element. This wait is applied globally across all elements in the WebDriver session and helps to handle situations where elements take time to load or become visible. Instead of failing immediately, Selenium will wait for the element to appear within the specified timeout before continuing with the test.

Implicit wait can be used for situations where there is uncertainty about the time required for elements to appear, making it essential for handling dynamic web pages effectively.


To set an implicit wait in Selenium WebDriver, you can use the manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait() method, followed by the duration for which the WebDriver should wait.



  1. Setting the Implicit Wait:

    The implicit wait is typically set once at the beginning of the WebDriver session. It will be applied globally for the duration of the session, meaning all element lookups will wait for the specified time before throwing an exception if the element is not found.


  • In this case, WebDriver will wait for up to 10 seconds before giving up on locating an element.

  • Implicit Wait with Element Lookup:

    After setting the implicit wait, the WebDriver will wait for the specified duration before throwing an exception if an element is not found. Here’s an example:

					WebElement element = driver.findElement("exampleId"));
  1. If the element with the ID exampleId is not immediately available, Selenium will wait up to the specified time (in this case, 10 seconds) for the element to appear.


					import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import java.time.Duration;

public class ImplicitWaitExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Set path to the ChromeDriver executable

        // Initialize ChromeDriver
        WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();

        // Set the implicit wait time to 10 seconds

        // Open a webpage

        // Try to locate an element that may take time to load
        WebElement element = driver.findElement("exampleId"));;

        // Close the browser



  1. Handling Dynamic Web Pages: Many modern websites use dynamic elements, such as content loaded asynchronously via JavaScript or AJAX. Implicit waits ensure that Selenium can wait for elements to appear before interacting with them, improving reliability and stability in tests.

  2. Preventing NoSuchElementException: Without an implicit wait, if the WebDriver tries to find an element before it’s available, it would immediately throw a NoSuchElementException. Implicit waits allow a grace period for elements to load.

  3. Simplifying Scripts: Implicit wait can help to reduce the need for explicit synchronization between commands in test scripts. This allows testers to write cleaner scripts without worrying about the exact timing of element availability.


  1. Global Effect: The implicit wait is set globally for the entire WebDriver session. Once it’s set, it applies to all elements across the session. This can cause unintended delays in element lookups throughout the entire session, especially if the implicit wait is set for a long duration.

  2. Performance Impact: Implicit waits can lead to performance issues when set with long durations. Since every element lookup will wait for the specified time, even if the element is available immediately, it will still cause delays.

  3. Interaction with Explicit Waits: The implicit wait is applied globally and cannot be combined with explicit waits for individual elements. Explicit waits can be used for specific conditions and are more flexible in controlling wait time, which might conflict with the global nature of implicit waits.

  4. May Cause Unnecessary Delays: If you use implicit wait for every element lookup, it may cause unnecessary delays when an element is already present or loaded quickly, leading to slower tests.

Differences Between Implicit Wait and Explicit Wait

  • Implicit Wait is applied globally for all elements in the session. It waits for a fixed period for elements to appear or become interactable before throwing an exception.
  • Explicit Wait is used for specific conditions, such as visibility or clickability of an element. It waits for a condition to be true, which can vary for different elements during a test run.


The Implicit Wait method in Selenium WebDriver is a useful tool for synchronizing tests with dynamic elements that may take time to load. By specifying a wait time globally, you can reduce the chances of encountering NoSuchElementException in cases where elements are loaded asynchronously. However, it’s important to use it judiciously, as the global nature of implicit waits can impact test performance and conflict with explicit waits in some scenarios.

For more complex synchronization scenarios, explicit waits are generally preferred due to their flexibility and precision. Nonetheless, implicit waits remain a simple and effective tool for ensuring stable test execution in many cases where dynamic content is involved.

Key Points:

  • Implicit Wait provides a global timeout for finding elements across the WebDriver session.
  • It’s essential for handling dynamic web pages with elements that take time to load.
  • It can introduce delays in tests if not used carefully.
  • Explicit Wait can be used for more targeted synchronization with specific conditions, offering better flexibility in handling dynamic content.

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